When you have placed a purchase order for a certain kind of product, it works as a binding contract between the seller and the customer for the transaction of the goods in return for money. The seller is responsible for the in time delivery of the goods and usually provides the customer with any details regarding the shipment and its delivery. In cases when the customer changes their mind regarding the goods that they have ordered, a cancellation can be made with the seller through a delivery cancellation letter depending upon the Seller’s cancellation and refund policies.
This kind of cancellation letter is written by a customer to the seller to inform them that the certain product is not needed anymore and also give them a valid reason for why the shipment is not required anymore. A delivery cancellation letter must specify the order number and the order details that were provided by the seller to make sure that there is no miscommunication.
Tips to write a Delivery Cancellation Letter
- The letter must have an apologetic tone for the cancellation of the order.
- The letter must contain the order number and the order details provided by the seller.
- The letter must mention the reason for cancellation.
- The letter must be brief and formal and should not leave any scope for miscommunication.
Delivery Cancellation Letter Template
Use our free Delivery Cancellation Letter to help you get started.
__________ (name of the sender)
__________ (address of the sender)
Date: ___________ (the date of issue of letter)
__________ (name of the receiver)
__________ (company of the receiver)
__________ (address of the receiver)
Subject: Cancellation of the goods with order number __________ (order number) placed _______ (date when the order was placed)
Dear _______ (name of the receiver),
I would like to inform you that I wish to cancel the order that was placed on ___________ (the date when the order was place) with the reference number ____________ (order number).
The decision for the cancellation has been made as ___________________________________ (mention as to why you don’t need the product any more). I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused.
In case of any formalities or any requirements that you might need from my side, kindly contact me on _________________ (provide your contact details).
Yours sincerely,
___________ (signature of the sender)
___________ (name of the sender)
Sample Letter
Julia Richards
42, Gemini Street
Date: March 2nd, 2016
Jerome Michaels
JM Beauty Products and Co.
Subject: Cancellation of the goods with order number 81265 placed February 26th, 2016
Dear Mr. Michaels,
I would like to inform you that I wish to cancel the order that was placed on February 26th, 2016, with the reference number 81265.
The decision for the cancellation has been made as I no longer am in need of the product that was ordered. I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused.
In case of any formalities or any requirements that you might need from my side, kindly contact me on 555-6780
Yours sincerely,
J. Richards (signature)
Julia Richards
Email Format
The following is the Email format that should be followed while writing a Delivery Cancellation Letter.
To: name@email.com
From: name@email.com
Subject: Cancellation of the goods with order number __________ (order number) placed _______ (date when the order was placed)
Dear _______ (name of the receiver),
I would like to inform you that I wish to cancel the order that was placed on ___________ (the date when the order was place) with the reference number ____________ (order number).
The decision for the cancellation has been made as ___________________________________ (mention as to why you don’t need the product any more). I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused.
In case of any formalities or any requirements that you might need from my side, kindly contact me on _________________ (provide your contact details).
Yours sincerely,
___________ (signature of the sender)
___________ (name of the sender)