Organizations need to hold meetings for the planning of fresh strategies and give the participants information about why the topics that need to be discussed and the changes that are due for changes.
In these cases organizations generally, make use of the strategy meeting agenda to list down the topics which need to be discussed.
The board of directors of the organization is responsible for the planning and the introduction of the most crucial strategies needed by them. Not only does the strategy meeting needs proper organization but it should also be time-barred after considering the busy schedule of the participants.
The agenda for the strategy meeting must, therefore, be written well ahead of time to get the invitees an opportunity to find time from their busy schedule and also to prepare for the meeting according to information which is provided on the agenda.
Without an agenda for the meeting, people are unlikely to have any information about why the meeting is being held and wouldn’t know what they should be discussing in front of the organizers who may have scheduled a meeting.
The meeting agenda is designed to change this perspective in the minds of invitees by getting them sufficient time to prepare themselves for effective participation in the meeting.
Strategy meetings are unlike meetings of other types and can only be attended by specific individuals that are invited by the board of directors of the organization.
No individual other than the one who has received an invitation to the meeting is allowed to attend the same unless an exception has been made by the organizers.
Strategy meetings are usually discussing subjects of how the organization plans to change itself or implement some strategies which will be beneficial for the market in general or their staff. The Board of Directors wouldn’t want details of the meeting to be spread around prior to the strategies being approved and implemented.
These meetings are strictly confidential and therefore the only attendees who will be entertained at the meeting will be the invitees who may even be requested to carry the invitation for authentication.
Points to consider while drafting Strategy Meeting Agendas
- The date, day and location of the meeting must be mentioned on the agenda.
- As the organizers of the meeting of the board of directors, the recipient of the agenda must be addressed in formal language.
- The reason why the meeting has been organized must be specified on the agenda.
- The timeframe scheduled for the meeting should be provided.
- The topics to be discussed should be listed in order of priority.
- Invitees must be provided information of a question-and-answer session at the end of the meeting.
The individual responsible for writing the agenda may use his or her experience to include any of the information which they may consider as necessary in the agenda by ensuring that any such points do not extend the meeting in any way.
Example of Strategy Meeting Agenda 1
City And Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board
Safeguarding Adult At Risk Strategy Meeting
this meeting is regarding Mr./Mrs./Ms. on [date] at [time] and venue [name of the venue].
Welcome, introductions, and confidentiality statement as well as the purpose of the meeting.
1. The adult at risk summary of needs and disabilities living situation and care plan [the adult at risk or best placed professional].
2. Details of concerns and or any indications to be raised by the allocated worker or the individual who raised the referral.
3. View of the adult-at-risk.
4. View of the lead statutory worker.
5. View from the care provider.
6. View from the healthcare provider.
7. View from the police [CSU, Safire, control room].
8. View from the regulatory body [CQ C]
9. Risk assessment.
10. Decisions regarding further investigation. The lead agency named coordinator, named investigation officer, CQ C role to be decided by the chair.
11. Communication and support needs of the adult at- risk during the process of the investigation.
12. Risk management and protection plan.
13. Sharing of information and feedback to others.
14. Any other issues?
15. Date of case conference.
16. Summary of decisions and action plan, feedback to others, information sharing.
Example of Strategy Meeting Agenda 2
Marketing With Class
Strategic Marketing Meeting Agenda
[Time And Location Of the Meeting].
- Purpose Of the Meeting
for providing a brief overview of why the meeting has been scheduled provided by the organizer. - Discussing opportunities for growth in the industry sector, service area, firm revenue, and niche.
- Toughest challenges faced and the competition in this area.
- Short and long-term goals and the metrics for success.
- Key performance indicators and the timeframe for measuring the same.
Marketing Needs.
- Current marketing initiatives in place.
- Feedback and insights on current initiatives such as likes, dislikes, work, won’t work, Etc.
- Brainstorming ideas for future initiatives.
Next Steps.
- Assign champion of the strategic initiative.
- Evaluate, identify and draft action items.
- Draft minutes from the meeting which must be approved by the champion [assign actionable items to individuals].
- The date for the next meeting and deadlines for action items to be completed.
An attempt must be made to mention timelines allotted to every subject which is to be discussed to ensure that delays are prevented by not allowing discussion on the subjects for too long. However, the need to include topics that do not concern the participants is not a necessity and can, therefore, be avoided.
A strategy meeting agenda written properly will help important individuals of the organization have a meeting within the scheduled time and also achieve the objectives they have in mind.