The main purpose of a credit card dispute letter is to bring to light the wrong credit card statement records that are being maintained by the bank. By writing these letters, you can make the bank aware of the unwanted charges for you. These letters are written in a simple language. All types of credit letters are formal letters thus it should be written in a formal and professional language. Credit letter can be written for various purposes it can be written as a complaining letter.
This letter tries to bring to light the unexplained charges that have been put into the writer’s account, and he seeks an explanation from the bank. It is important to send proofs to strengthen your case. It is essential that you mention all the necessary details in the letter so that the reader can look into the matter. Make sure that the details entered by you are correct to your knowledge.
Sample Credit Card Dispute Letter Writing Tips
- State the necessary details such as the expense, date, card number, etc.
- It is important to let them know that you have always made your payments on time.
- Use polite language.
- Do not use harsh words that may sound rude.
- Be aggressive but at the same time, be shrewd and pleasant to make the reader understand your difficulty.
Sample Credit Card Dispute Letter Template
Use our free Sample Credit Card Dispute Letter to help you get started.
Subject – _______(mention the purpose)
Dear ____(sir/madam)
I Mr.______(your name), am communicating this letter to you regarding the unwanted amount charged to my account as late fees. From my end, I always make my credit card payments on time without any delay, and I strongly believe that these credits of Rs ____(amount)-are subtracted without notifying me. You are free to go through my credit card record, and you will discover that all the debts or payments have been paid on time. It is my humble request to see what the matter is and resolve it as soon as possible. I am attaching the necessary details.
Looking forward to a favorable reply from your end.
Thanking You
Sample Letter
Samir Shah,
34 Ocean Towers,
ICDL Bank,
Corner House,
Subject – sample credit card dispute letters
Dear Sir
I am Mr.Samir Shah, having a credit card of your Maharashtra Cooperative Bank for last two years. This is a letter of complaint, the purpose of this letter is to bring to light the unwanted late fee charges that have been included in my account. There has been a serious problem; I always make my payments on time without any delay yet my credit card statement for October 2014 shows that there is a late fee payment of Rs.2000/- which is absurd. My credit card record has been very good for years, so I am surprised to see those additional late charges. This is shocking since I was never intimated regarding the same. Hence I request you to look into the manner at the earliest. I am at this moment enclosing herewith necessary details and documents for you to look into the matter closely.
I hope for a favorable response from your end.
Thanking You
Samir Shah
Email Format
The following is the Email Format to be followed for a University Acceptance Letter.
Dear, Mr. Kermit
I Ms. Marla Smith am a credit card holder of Axis Bank. This is a letter for credit card dispute, and I at this moment inform you that an unnecessary late fees payment has charged to me by your bank. I always make my payments on time without any delay yet my bank statement has been revealing that late fees payment of rupees 7,000 has charged to me for August 2010. But for this month I had made payment on 28th of August, 2010 which is two days before the given due date. For your reference, I have attached all the necessary information in a comprehensive list.
Hoping for a favorable reply from your end.
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely,
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